Ming Li
I'm an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, National University of Singapore (NUS). I'm also a Research Fellow at the NUS Risk Management Institute.
My research interests are in theoretical and applied econometrics.
Email: mli@nus.edu.sg
Published/Accepted Papers
Inference in a Stationary/Nonstationary Autoregressive Time-Varying-Parameter Model, with Donald W. K. Andrews, Quantitative Economics, forthcoming.
Logical Differencing in Dyadic Network Formation Models with Nontransferable Utilities, with Wayne Gao and Sheng Xu, Journal of Econometrics, 2023, 235, 302-324.
Working Papers
Estimation and Inference in Dyadic Network Formation Models with Nontransferable Utilities, with Zhentao Shi and Yapeng Zheng.
Identification and Estimation in a Time-Varying Endogenous Random Coefficient Panel Data Model.
Identification of Semiparametric Panel Multinomial Choice Models with Infinite-Dimensional Fixed Effects, with Wayne Gao.
Work in Progress
Identification of Network Formation with Link Interdependence and Unobserved Heterogeneity, with Wayne Gao and Rui Wang.
Identification and Estimation of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve using Survey Data, with Donghai Zhang.